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"I cannot measure the positive impact Maia has had on my life's journey. Although she always told me that I did the work, she was both the guiding light and the instrument showing me the way. She believed in me and that I had the ability without question to heal and grow; that meant a lot to me. Her intuitive talent for quickly identifying the core issue needing to be addressed is truly a gift. She has a gentle way of peeling back the layers and helping me to dig down in the muck of my stuff for my greatest growth!! Maia has done such great work with family members I have sent to see her…..Bailey, Sarah, Katie and others who have been blessed enough to find their way to her nurturing and healing sanctuary where, quite frankly,  the magic happens. I'm extremely sad that she is moving for my own selfish reasons, but I know she'll always be a phone call, text and thought away."


Pensacola, Florida

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"I spent years in traditional therapy trying to overcome childhood abuse. Yet, I still had issues with self-worth that lingered, causing problems in my personal and professional relationships. I viewed the world through the eyes of a victim, despite the fact that I had worked on and healed some of my emotional abuse of the past. During my sessions with Maia, we used visualization, journeying, and regressive hypnosis to reach the “victim” inside me that always sabotaged my personal and professional success. With Maia's guidance, I was finally able to have a breakthrough and clearly identify how my thoughts and reactions to the world around me were creating negative responses."


Pensacola, Florida

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"From the moment you meet Maia Rizzi, you know that she is genuine and you are put at ease. Maia has the gift of truly listening along with using her spirit and intuition to best guide you and help you to reach the core of issues you may be dealing with. Through working with her and being open to a variety of techniques ranging from regression to healing guided visualizations I have been able to truly change. Maia has helped me to identify and change a belief system that wasn't even my own, and to find the  inner strength to face fears and tear down limiting walls. I was able to do forgiveness work which has finally put some issues to rest and set my spirit free. In the process I finally realized my strengths, talents and worth, and was able to define my goals. I was able to grow. My view of myself and my place in this world changed My purpose shifted. My relationship with others and simply how I view and approach day to day life are better. I am happier, much calmer, spiritually richer, and live a more fulfilled life. I cannot thank Maia enough for helping me to be a better me. Maia is truly a blessing."


Pensacola, Florida

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"With a nervous stomach and a thousand questions running through my head,  I made an appointment for my first session with a hypnotherapist regarding weight loss. Almost as soon as I met Maia my nerves were calmed; she made me feel comfortable with asking any questions I might have. She reassured me that simply by being “open” to the experience,  nothing else would be required, and I would always be in charge. Our sessions had a deep impact on my life and took me much deeper than losing wight. With the help, support and techniques provided in each and every session I was able to heal personal wounds that had been stopping me from being the woman I have wanted so badly to be."


Pensacola, Florida

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"What an amazing journey this has been!! Ever since I met Maia at my first free consultation session, I knew she was the right person for the job! I have learned to trust her guidance as I have experienced different levels of healing in most of my sessions with her.  Her deep intuition and vast knowledge of the human spirit, the soul, the unconscious and conscious mind, allows her to choose the most needed healing therapy method, in each and every session I had with her. We have explored the Inner Child, Aspect Therapy and Past Life Regressions, Cutting the Cord, Healing & Balancing the Chakras, Gestalt and Soul Retrieval. I have gained profound inner understandings, have had body-mind-soul healings, and have experienced a lightness of being and have tapped into an immense source of Love, which continues to guide me each day. I have a profound gratitude for having had the opportunity to experience first hand Maia’s gifts and unconditional love. May all your journeys be as magnificent as mine!   Hope you jump, taking a leap of faith and go for it!!"



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"Maia is a remarkable, professional guide who is leading me on an exciting journey of spiritual and emotional wakening. Through the process of our Journey we have peeled away many layers which has allowed me to move toward becoming a more complete, happy, and enriched person. To gently move me toward life changing answers, she has created a safe and sacred space for exploring and addressing issues that are at the core of my belief system. She has brought a host of creative tools, professional experience and insight to the process to assist me on my life's journey. It has been a wonderful enlightening experience and one I would encourage anyone to undertake."



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"I met and started working with Maia Rizzi several years ago, and simply put, it has changed my life! I came to Maia to help me uncover the source of my unhappiness, not knowing at the time that I would not only discover my own truth at the base of this unhappiness, but also how to use the many tools available to me to create the life I want. Through the use of techniques such as mirroring, active imagination, dream work and hypnosis just to name a few, Maia has helped me to become aware of, and accountable for all that I do, all that I am and all that I believe. I am truly grateful."


Pensacola, Florida

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"Maia has brought me a level of emotional and spiritual healing I never believed I'd achieve. She created a cocoon of safety in which she lovingly nurtured me along a difficult journey. After spending decades going the traditional route of counseling and psychotherapy, I felt I could not progress beyond a certain point. The “ghosts” of my abusive past continued to haunt me. It was like wearing an anchor that I had to drag through my life which created chaos in my love, friendship and professional relationships. Most of my traditional counseling sessions were centered around rehashing the hate, and recreating in detail the trauma of my past; I never made the progress I had hoped for on that path. I did not want to continue stewing in hate. I wanted to move beyond that and into healing through forgiveness and love. From my first session with Maia I made progress. She is expert in almost immediately pinpointing the aspects in a person's psyche that are healthy as well as those that are not. We immediately got to work on my issues using a number of methods using Maia's gifts of lovingly coaxing me to hold a mirror up to myself in order to clearly see which issues were holding me back- something my traditional therapist never tapped into. We've worked on layers and layers, but with every session I've walked away feeling great about making progress. I've finally been able to shed that anchor and foster  better relationships than I ever dreamed of. I have become more successful professionally than I ever cold have conceived. I wish I had found her earlier in my life."


Pensacola, Florida

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